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Rain! and our first harvest

It rained today at my house, which means my plants are happy as can be and the world smells amazing outside. Sadly, I didn't see or feel any rain today since I was indoors at work, but the signs and smells and evidence of rain was everywhere on my bike ride home and in the garden out back. Rain drops on leaves, damp soil, and the smell of wet earth and asphalt. Finally, fall seems to be here! (Knock on wood!)
Sunflower and my mystery bulb, which I'm straining to remember if I maybe did plant... I planted a bulb in the plastic container in front of it after finding bulbs at the bottom of a dead flowering plant I received as a gift (it was alive when I received it as a gift!). I must have planted the second bulb in this spot. I feel silly for forgetting!
 The mystery bulb has emerged!
 Rain-soaked garden!
 Look at those little rain drops! (Click the image for a larger view.)
Today is also special because we harvested our first veggies from the garden this evening to make homemade pizza. Today's harvest from the garden included two bell peppers, a jalapeno pepper, and some fresh basil. We also harvested some green onion from the jars propagating on the kitchen window sill. The rest of our pizza ingredients include store-bought Trader Joe's garlic herb pizza dough, pasta sauce, bacon, and garlic. We also added some mushrooms from the farmers market. Green Guy added cheese to his side, as well.
Garden or kitchen window sill ingredients
All of the pizza ingredients, except for the bacon and cheese. We also didn't end up needing to use that store-bought orange pepper on the bottom right. I thought our small bell peppers wouldn't be enough, but they were just the right amount! The olive oil was used for greasing the pizza pan.
The bell peppers all chopped up. The greenish one was delicious, and the red one was okay. I'm definitely going to harvest the other bell peppers before they turn too red.
This pizza was amazing, and it felt so good knowing I had grown many of the ingredients. Thanks to Green Guy for helping out in the garden every so often and for helping me cook the bacon, spread out the pizza dough, and eat this delicious creation.

Thanks for reading!
Green Gal
