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In my journey back into the blogosphere, I've been reconnecting with old blogs I used to follow. One of these blogs that's been on my favorites list for awhile is Beyond the Fields We Know. Earlier this week, I was reading through posts on this blog, and I came across this one: Friday Ramble - Season. Take a moment to read it, and then hop on back over here if you want to know why I'm sharing this post in particular.

While reading it, I felt that glowing sense of synchronicity that blooms in me whenever something in my recent life or mindplace seems directly intertwined with something I come into contact with from the outside world. The best part of synchronicity is that the more you acknowledge it, nurture it, talk about it, and appreciate it, the more it happens, which is like magic!

Why synchronicity with this post about the origin of the word season?

One quote: "Season shares its origins with the word seed, and both entities are concerned with fertility, fruitfulness and nourishment."

This past Sunday, I planted some broccoli and tomato seeds, hoping that they will grow into actual plants despite my lack of experience. The plants in my backyard were purchased already growing so I have a bit more faith in my ability to raise them into fruitful and herbaceous plants. I've been tending to them with care since we got them. We've had heat waves here this past week, and I called Green Guy on a day when he was home to ask that he check on them and see if they need shade and water. Never before have I had such a connection like this with plants, so reading this post felt like an acknowledgement of this new season in my life of tending to and caring for other living things.

Another quote: "Be it the sowing, tending and reaping of one's vegetable garden or the careful addition of herbs and spices to a casserole, it's all about nurture and enjoyment."

I would add to this list the kind of self-nurture that comes from the pleasure of cooking meals together or for someone, cleaning a home that you feel a sense of place within, and enjoying summer weekends to their fullest. My entire summer season has been this kind of "cultivation and nourishment," and perhaps the harvest that I'm beginning to experience is this rekindling of my blog, an outpouring of written word and photos that for so long has been dormant.

Finally, the combination of a well-written blog post, its metaphor of life in its cycle of natural seasons, and this exploration into word origin made the Friday Ramble post one of my favorite kinds.

I'm looking forward to seeing what new fruits of synchronicity will appear for me next!

As always, thank you for reading!
Green Gal
