This afternoon I've got a photo summary of what's growing on in the garden to share with you all. I've been busy preparing for National Novel Writing Month, and work at UC Santa Cruz has gotten a lot busier lately--but I haven't forgotten about the blog!
I attended the National Bioneers Conference this past weekend in San Rafael, and I will be writing a report of what I learned and experienced this weekend. I'll post it on here soon!
Enjoy the photos, and let me know if you have ideas for plants I should start growing in the garden this fall! Remember that you can click on them for a larger view.
Surprise mushrooms appeared one day in this pot that should be growing peas. They look like Dr. Suess trees to me!
A photo from the National Bioneers Conference I attended last weekend. More on this coming soon!
The sunflowers are getting huge!
Sunflower bud.
Lots of green growth under the sunflowers.
Jalapeño peppers.
Younger sunflower.
Nasturtiums on the side yard.
One of the last couple bell peppers.
Indoor nasturtiums.
Johnny Jump Ups sprouting.
Arugula. I ended up separating them into three containers this morning after I took this photo.
Cilantro on the windowsill seems to be happy!
The main garden area in the backyard.
Delightful photos! Thanks for sharing!