For my second semester senior year Economics project, I was to choose an economic issue of interest to myself and find eight articles from various angles. I had to write an introduction to the topic, write paragraph analyses of each article, and then come up with my own solution to the economic problem. I chose Native American Reservations as my topic. Here is the opening paragraph of my project:

Games of gambling and luck are nothing new to Native American people; their culture includes traditional games of chance, so it's not entirely arbitrary that Native American reservations often maintain casinos that otherwise would not be able to exist in certain states, like California, where gambling is illegal. Along with casinos, other industries such as golf courses, natural resource mining, and sports facilities have generated a much-needed income for many tribes and have improved conditions for the Native American people themselves, as well as boosted the economies of local communities. The Indian Gaming and Regulatory Act of 1988 paved the way for many tribes to get their economic grounding, but many tribes are still suffering. Tribes need effective means of obtaining income to become less dependent on United States federal aid, but what's the cost to tradition, safety and the environment? Who should receive the benefits of the tribal revenue? And should the tribes have to adhere to taxation by the U.S. government even though they are technically sovereign nations?
To see the rest of the project, visit my new Green Gal site at or click here to see the document directly.
Green Gal
Treasure this day and treasure yourself. Truly, neither will ever happen again.
-- Ray Bradbury

Games of gambling and luck are nothing new to Native American people; their culture includes traditional games of chance, so it's not entirely arbitrary that Native American reservations often maintain casinos that otherwise would not be able to exist in certain states, like California, where gambling is illegal. Along with casinos, other industries such as golf courses, natural resource mining, and sports facilities have generated a much-needed income for many tribes and have improved conditions for the Native American people themselves, as well as boosted the economies of local communities. The Indian Gaming and Regulatory Act of 1988 paved the way for many tribes to get their economic grounding, but many tribes are still suffering. Tribes need effective means of obtaining income to become less dependent on United States federal aid, but what's the cost to tradition, safety and the environment? Who should receive the benefits of the tribal revenue? And should the tribes have to adhere to taxation by the U.S. government even though they are technically sovereign nations?
To see the rest of the project, visit my new Green Gal site at or click here to see the document directly.
Green Gal
Treasure this day and treasure yourself. Truly, neither will ever happen again.
-- Ray Bradbury
Cool! You are certainly 100% dedicated to learning more and more everyday about Native Americans, :-) That's awesome!